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PRODUCTProduct center

Product introduction

SWMS is a warehouse management system that focuses on warehouse based supply chain coordination management。The system can perform inventory operations independently, or it can be used in combination with documents and vouchers of other systems, which can provide more complete and comprehensive business process and financial management information。Through WMS warehouse management system, modern logistics information can be effectively processed, which provides effective support for management decision-making to a large extent。


Pain point analysis

Manufacturing warehousing and logistics business is increasingly complex and changeable

The number of handling varieties is increasing, the frequency is increasing, the business process is becoming more and more complex, the cost control requirements are higher, the growth ratio of new employees is lower, the investment in automation equipment is increasing, and the time value and space value of warehousing are also increasing。


Functional map

To drive efficient circulation by algorithm, to accurately build the cornerstone of warehousing, to deepen the management mode of coordination, leading the rapid development of enterprise logistics management system construction。


Business application value

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